I'm happy to announce that Mr. D is pretty well potty trained. To the point where we were at a friend's house today and he said, "Mama! I have to go peepee!" as he ran to the bathroom. I was so excited! What a big kid I have. Also, when did that happen? I may tell him he's my baby, but he's a baby no more. At least he still lets me snuggle him.
Here's my big kid working on one of our latest creations. He was so very excited that I let him use scissors that he actually sat and helped me for more than a few seconds. Since we started using the potty, Desmond's typical daily wardrobe includes underwear or a pair of shorts. And that's it. I'm so used to it that I'm surprised when family comes over and makes comments!
My little man hard at work |
I thought it would be fun to make a craft foam mosaic with my man while the babies napped in the morning. He got to use scissors, swirl glue around, and make a masterpiece with minimal intervention from mama.
big pile o' foam pieces |
all the scissors! |
Done! Isn't it beautiful? :) I see the monitor blinking blue, which means my little lady is awake. Off I go!