Saturday, February 9, 2013

My beautiful babies

I think my new favorite crafting supply is canvases. I found them on sale at Michaels and bought a 10-pack, and have used them all! Now I'm waiting for them to go on sale again so I can get more. When I saw this pinned, I just had to do it. 

Looks like they're looking at each other. So sweet.
I found the vinyl at Michaels (of course!), but have since realized I could simply use the clear contact paper I already had at home! Duh! D was super excited to see his profile cut out, and kept saying, "It's me! It's me!". I started by taking their pictures in profile, then I printed them out on regular paper. I cut out their profiles and traced them on the wrong side of the vinyl, then cut them out again. Then I stuck the vinyl to the canvases. I just love A's round little head and the way both of their lips are parted so slightly. 

Next, I painted over the entire canvas with the colors I chose. I wanted colors that would pop on our white walls and complement each other. When they dried, I carefully peeled off the vinyl, then went over and paint that bled under the vinyl with white paint. THEN, I decided to paint the entire silhouette white. Should have done that first! 

I'm going to do John's and mine too, in orange and green. Then we'll hang them. For ours, I'll paint the canvas white first to save me the trouble later, and use the contact paper to see how well it works compared to the vinyl. Aren't they beautiful?

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